Divine Legacy: Neo Amburia

Play Divine Legacy: Neo Amburia

    Divine Legacy : Neo Amburia is a medieval-fantasy Action-RPG following the story of a young woman striving to save her childhood friend from the wrong path. Embark on a journey and meet new allies, and foes, as you face the evil empire to save your loved one from its claws.

    Direct sequel to the bad end of Divine Legacy, showing how the world would have turned out if the antagonists’ plans succeeded. It introduces new characters as the main cast, but is still very much grounded in the first game.FEATURES A few hours of gameplay I hope
    Story-rich, you might find yourself skipping through dialogues a bit if you're in for the gameplay alone
    Character-driven story. The world was built for the characters and not the other way around
    Real-time, fast-paced action combat
    My manchild humour
    Bullet-Hell feel
    Non-native english
    Combat tool crafting, potion mixing, time-based shopping, energy management ...
    Solo-developped at the expense of my social life
    3 playable characters, each with their own combat style.
    A good number of silly references
    Element-based magic system. Swapping characters and using combat tools ensure a more effective victory
    Post story content
    My average-looking art, because I canNOTES You might need to disable Steam Input for controllers to work properly, or try another template.
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • Windows
