九霄风云录 Legends Of The Divine Land

Play 九霄风云录 Legends Of The Divine Land
I don't know why, but in recent years, the aura of the Kyushu continent has undergone tremendous changes, making it impossible for the cultivators to condense the aura into golden pills.
Everyone can only store spiritual energy in a certain part of the body, so a very strange phenomenon occurs, the higher the level, the more bulging a certain part of the body is. . .
The female immortal cultivators felt that this was a conspiracy by the male immortal cultivators, so they formed an alliance to find out, and the story began like this. . .

This is a deck-building Roguelike game, the operation is relatively simple, just select a level to break through, and then choose the right teammates to join the team.
The key to clearing the level is to reasonably match the skill fetters of your teammates to form a powerful attack or recovery style.

Another thing to note is that the more players in the team, the better. Sometimes 20 is enough, so don't be greedy.

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Available on devices:
  • Windows
