War of Chaos

Play War of Chaos
You have been abandoned here in Terrio, a place with no solace where bigger army diplomacy rules. Explore the world, gain a powerful army by negotiating and winning battles. But be warned, as your army grows, so will your reputation. You must be prepared.

How to Play:
1.Press the Search Button, then go on a walk.
2.Once you have gone sufficiently away from your starting location, you will encounter a gang of creatures
3.You can Negotiate(see part 4a) or Fight them(part 4b)
a.Click on cells to swap the number displayed there. The sum of the rows and columns is displayed on the side. The goal of the negotiation is to get all numbers to be as close together as possible.
b.If you have creatures from witchkraft(see 5) or negotiation(see 4a) you can fight the creatures for crystals or carcasses. First, select them and then click fight. The creature whose turn it is has a white dot in its square. you can use the d-pad to move it. Each creature has a creature type and 2 essences, one for offense, and one for defense. The offense is shown by the color of the creature, and the defense is shown by the color of the lower right box where the level also is. To attack an in-range creature, click attack, then a cell with the same offense color, then an upside-down(enemy) creature. To defend, click defend, then a defending token. Each essence has its own offense and defense, clicking on a creature shows these effects.
5.Once you win enough battles, you will have many carcasses and crystals. To use them, click on Witchkraft, then reincarnate a dead carcass. Place the carcass in the middle of the table and 3 crystal piles in each corner. Then commence the ritual. 2 of the 3 piles will be chosen. Sometimes the ritual will work in your favor, giving a higher level creature than your crystals would have predicted, sometimes not. It is very similar to sacrifice creatures. Place the main creature in the center, and 3 creatures with at least one essence similarity on each corner. These will increase the level of the creature.
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Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV
