The Path of Valius

Play The Path of Valius
Mortedra, the last planet forged before Earth, served as both a desolate exile and a glimmering second chance. Gurazs, warriors who clung to their courage even in death's jaws, coexisted with the semi-immortal Milendars, the fiery Wargotz, the astute Lurens, and of course, humans.

Valius, an ordinary man by most measures, possessed exceptional hunting and butchering skills, talents that landed him a position in the royal kitchen amidst Mortedra's abundance of palaces and their teeming staff. While many dreamt of princes and princesses, eventually recognizing the boundaries reality imposed, Valius remained oblivious. He refused to accept his place, fueled by an unwavering desire to be with the king's only daughter.

This ambition wasn't unique. After all, who wouldn't harbor such dreams? However, unlike others, Valius wouldn't be deterred by societal norms. He would steal, kill, and even forge the most powerful cult Mortedra had ever witnessed, all to win the princess's heart. But to achieve this, he needed your help...
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