The Legends of Maui

Play The Legends of Maui
Tales tell of a time in Aotearoa where magic existed next to ones mana. Taniwha ruled the waves, Mountains did battle, gods walked the Earth and Maui the trickster defied all.

Travel through forests, and over rivers, along shores as Maui with the jaw bone of his grandfather.
Fight and befriend Taniwha, and other creatures of the land.
Help the people fight great enemies.
Most Importantly slow the Sun, bring fire to man, fish up islands and Defeat the goddess of death.
Oh and don't forget to tell fantail he is not to laugh...

This story is inspired by the children's book Maui and other Maori Legends by Peter Gossage, but also contains an array of other tales inspired by various folk tales around New Zealand
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  • Windows
