The Curious Case of Doctor X

Play The Curious Case of Doctor X
During a rainy night in the city of Belém in the 1920s, a doctor known as Doctor Monteiro Xavier is surprised by the visit of a man in dark robes at his home. The man asks the doctor to perform a procedure at the home of his Machado family boss and offers a large sum of money. Monteiro is then blindfolded to a place, where a long ladder descends. When unveiled, Monteiro delivers in a large torch-lit room. Taken back blindfolded, the Doctor is left in the old town where he passes out, upon waking up, he notices that his watch does not work, the night seems darker and the environment is heavier. Childbirth now seems like a dream and as much as he tries, he does not remember having removed a child during childbirth, if he wants to remember there was crying.

Doctor X then realizes that he is trapped in a parallel world known as Mortalha, a dark place inhabited by dangerous creatures willing to transform our unwary visitor into his new prey.

The Curious Case of Doctor X is a 2D Pixelart game, which shows a wide variety of urban myths and legends from the Brazilian city of Belém.

Implementing gameplay similar to that of classic 8/16 bits, mainly like "Castlevania" and "Ghouls n 'Ghosts", Doctor X promises to give the player a unique experience in terms of challenge, mystery and adventure.
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Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV
