The Case of the Serialized Killer

Play The Case of the Serialized Killer
When a popular illustrator is found dead, disgraced demonologist Harold Ludicael is hired to summon her ghost. Ghosts are the one thing he can't summon, but with sharp insight, perhaps he can solve the mystery, and resurrect the most important thing:

His career.

We hope you enjoy our Edwardian-inspired visual novel with creeping monsters, summoning magic, and a cast of rich, colorful characters. It has:

20,000 words/about 3 hours of playtime
Point and Click Investigation
Traditionally painted watercolor characters and locations
A journal which keeps track of a colorful list of suspects and lore
A variable set of bad endings, and one true ending, depending on which suspect you choose!
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Windows
