One by One

Save the world from phobias in this dynamic roguelike shooter! Enter the world of phobias, meet its denizens and acquire artifacts from past, present and future. Fight cunning creatures that have never been seen before and customize your loadout with diverse weapons, activatable equipment and various acessories.Descend into wild dungeons
Explore dark crystal caverns, primal fiery forests, autonomous robot facilities. Enter dynamic encounters from the very first minutes of gameplay. Rescue adventures and choose from characters with different play styles.
Open treasure chests and acquire powerful artifacts
Obtain weapons, equipment, accessories, companions, find unique item combinations and turn into an invincible hero!
And more..! Try hardmode and permadeath difficulty for extra challenge and rewards
Unlock forbidden equipment, playable characters and rare achievements
Challenge your friends in speedrun mode..and even more..! Combat with a twist! Soul companion targets weakened enemies
Weapons reload themselves while being unequipped. Is this legal?
Bestiary, where monsters you've encountered become domesticated
All-devouring forest fires
Swoaf, the mysterious god, that looks like a swan and is actually made of loaf of bread, and also dispenses healthy slices of bread
Available on devices:
- Windows