Matherio 2 - One Minute Math

Matherio 2 vs Matherio
- There are no ads in Matherio 2
You have one minute to solve as many math problems as you can.
For every correct answer you get +1 point.
For every wrong answer you get -1 point.
If you want to submit your score to online leaderboard or weekly tournament click button "Upload" at the bottom of the screen.
Every Friday at 7PM (UTC) the best players in the weekly tournament will get real cash rewards:
Place 1 - 10% POT
Place 2 - 8% POT
Place 3 - 6% POT
Place 4-10 - 4% POT
Place 11-100 - 0.55% POT
POT will change every week and it depends how many people are playing the game.
If you won, you have time to saturday to send us an e-mail ([email protected]) with your full game ID (e.g TOM.43_______43245) and your paypal adress so we can send you a reward.
- There are no ads in Matherio 2
You have one minute to solve as many math problems as you can.
For every correct answer you get +1 point.
For every wrong answer you get -1 point.
If you want to submit your score to online leaderboard or weekly tournament click button "Upload" at the bottom of the screen.
Every Friday at 7PM (UTC) the best players in the weekly tournament will get real cash rewards:
Place 1 - 10% POT
Place 2 - 8% POT
Place 3 - 6% POT
Place 4-10 - 4% POT
Place 11-100 - 0.55% POT
POT will change every week and it depends how many people are playing the game.
If you won, you have time to saturday to send us an e-mail ([email protected]) with your full game ID (e.g TOM.43_______43245) and your paypal adress so we can send you a reward.
Available on devices:
- Android
- Smart TV