Legends of the Soldiers

Play Legends of the Soldiers
Legends of the soldiers is an online multiplayer FPS shooter style game.
Game mode: Includes Team Deathmatch, Free For All and Capture of Flag, and 4 more optional modes: Demolition, Elimination, Cover Point and Gun Race.
You can set up your own private room and compete with your friends online.
Users can purchase their own weapons in-game and can access their achievements and content by registering in the system.

All Features;

Player Classes, 4 types of player classes with different equipment (Attack, Engineer, Support, Recon)

8 different types of weapons: Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Grenade, Molotov, Grenade Launcher and Knife.

Advanced weapon system.

Swipe, Jump, Crouch and Run player action.

Procedural weapon movement.

Enhanced player synchronization with interpolation, extrapolation and delay compensation.

Friends list.

Pre-Match Lobby.

Damage indicator.

lobby chat

Tool selection and Auto Tool selection

Kick Voting System.

Foot HR placement.

Fire types (Automatic, Single and Semi-Automatic)

Precise synchronization of shells and positions

Fall damage.

player room kick

Server stats, total players, total rooms, ping

Post Processing Stack V2.

Health regeneration option

KillFeed Corner (WhoKilledWho)


Room time limit

Item Drop System.

Ladder System

HR hand position

Headshot detection.

Bullet trail option.

Jumping Platforms.

AFK detection.

Maximum Kill room limit

Launch Loading Screen.

Asynchronous Data Loading.

weapon Fov option in game time

Maximum allowed player ping to join a room

Draw Name Above Head.

Player footsteps.

Object Pooling system.

Graphic menu settings

Smooth weapon Movements while running

The gun receives the system over a network

throwing a gun after death

Launching ammo and medic kit

Kill Camera.

Network statistics.

Teammate health bar UI.
Enhanced Heat view with IK support

Animated Hit pointer

Ovulation hand effect indicator

Friendly fire options

Switch teams in the middle of the room

Graphic menu settings
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV
