Jmiro English (Word game)

Play Jmiro English (Word game)
Add the English words. (about 50,000words)
Complements my dictionary function.
Joyfully practice your English vocabulary with Jmiro. Practice according to your level.

Around 50,000 words

Elementary level - Around 2,000 words
Middle School level - Around 5,300 words
University Entrance level - Around 5,000 words
TOIEC/ TOEFL level - Around 8,000 words
Extra exam - 7,000 words
Others (Game) - Around 23,000 words

- Various multimedia functions with vocabulary library. Easily understandable words with pictures and examples.
- Writing functions
- Functions to collect your own vocabulary library and check.
- Pronunciation function.

We warmly welcome you to our Jmiro world and enjoy
- Practice your learned words with quiz.
- Game that starts with the end letter words.
- Puzzle
- Baduk

If you win computer, you are person with super vocabulary. Do Jmiro with your friends and family to improve your vocabulary.

Don't know the words?? No Problem!! Search it and get it with the examples.
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV
