HRO: Adventures of a Humanoid Resources Officer

Play HRO: Adventures of a Humanoid Resources Officer
HRO: Adventures of a Humanoid Resources Officer is a puzzle-driven adventure game set in a retro-futuristic sci-fi universe. You play the under-appreciated Humanoid Resources Officer aboard the Endeavor — a military spaceship with more than its fair share of crew rivalries, office politics, and erratic decision-makers. When the Endeavor stumbles into universe-shaking trouble, can you harness the power of the bureaucracy to rein in your crew’s worst impulses and survive to the next episode?

As disaster looms, you — the HRO — interact with key characters to investigate the crisis, identify possible responses and implement your preferred paper-pusher solution. Will your conversation with the criminally-insane physicist who has seized control of the ship inspire you to fake your own resignation so you can infiltrate his cult? Or, when surrounded by bloodthirsty Kirmulak warships, will you choose to transmit the stolen enemy command codes to disable their vessels and allow the Endeavor to escape? Save the day! Be the hero! The levers of administrative power — and the consequences of using them — are yours…

Game features include:
• Branching storylines triggered by player choices
• Save the day by solving fiendishly bureaucratic puzzles
• Unlockable mini-episodes and characters
• Thousands of choices make HRO eminently replayable
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
