Game of Life

Play Game of Life
Experience the mesmerizing world of cellular automata with Conway's Game of Life!

Dive into this classic simulation where simple rules give rise to fascinating patterns and behaviors.

Conway's Game of Life offers a minimalist interface coupled with endless possibilities for exploration and creativity. Watch as cells evolve, interact, and form intricate structures right before your eyes.

Key Features
Simple controls: Tap to toggle cells and start the simulation.

Adjustable speed: Control the pace of the simulation to observe patterns at your own rhythm.

Customizable grid size: Tailor the dimensions of the grid to suit your preferences.

Explore patterns: Discover famous configurations like gliders, blinkers, and more.

Save and share: Capture snapshots of interesting patterns to share with friends.

Customize rules: Experiment with different rule sets to create new and unique simulations.

Whether you're a casual observer or a seasoned enthusiast, Conway's Game of Life provides endless hours of mesmerizing entertainment.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of emergent complexity!

Entire source code on GitHub:

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Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV
