Back To Village

Play Back To Village
The meaning of the keys,

1: "W", "A", "S", "D" are used to move the character on the ground

2: "T" key, used for flying. In flight state, "E" and "Q" are used for ascending and descending. Press "T" again and it will fall to the ground.

3: "R" construction function, on the displayed building page, select the building that needs to be built and build it.

4: The left mouse button is to attack

Game modes:

1: Choose different characters yourself. Different characters have different attack power against monsters and collection abilities.

2: Monsters will constantly attack your village. If your village is attacked by monsters, the village will no longer be there.

3: There will be thieves who will enter your village and steal your wood and stones, but the thieves cannot attack you, but you can attack the thieves.

4: You can collect wood and stone, which are the materials for building defense towers.

5: In addition to consuming these materials during construction, defense towers will also consume when defending.

6: As a reward for protecting your village, your gold coins will increase with the time you protect your village.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
