Zombie Reaper 3

Add camera sensitivity setting into "Pause" button,players can control the sensitivity if it is too difficult to aim
Most Important Tips:<p>★Shoot the head<br>then one bullet can make target dead</p><p>★Shoot fast<br>then you can get higher score</p>
<p>★When you face the boss zombie<br>then destroy his helmet first</p>
<p>★Bullet can pass through walls<br>then you can kill zombies without seeing them</p>
<p>★Grenades only kill zombies<br>so you can throw it freely into the "dead"</p>
<p><br>Zombie Reaper series has been download for 7.7 millions.<br>And now Zombie Reaper 3.0 is available for download!</p>
<p>Game Play 3.0<br>☢ Add zombie boss who has super heavy armor and crazy attack,and you need to destroy his helmet first!<br>☢ Add battle vehicle store, you can purchase your own super cars!<br>☢ Upgrade "kill zombies on highway" mode where you can drive your super cars to kill zombies on highway!<br>☢ Upgrade "air support" mode where you can save our people with the "sniper mode" on the zombies' head!</p>
<p>Graphic/Sound 3.0<br>☢ Top graphic on mobile games, integrate weather system include raining and snowing!<br>☢ High resolution 3D guns models and textures!<br>☢ Here your deadly trigger reflects its real performance in real life,M16,AK47,Mp5 etc, include sound effect!</p>
<p>Game control<br>(FPS mode)<br>☑<br>Left 2/3 screen is for aiming, right for shoot<br>Shoot the head of them<br>Kill them faster<br>Then you can get high score<br>(Drive mode)<br>☑<br>TILT the device left and right to smash the zombies<br>TAP on four corners of the screen to shoot the Zombies<br>(Life Saving mode)<br>☑<br>Grenade was designed not to hurt human, you can use it where you want<br>Bullet can pass through walls, you can kill zombies without seeing them<br>☑<br>Screen touching sensitivity setting is in "Pause" button,you can change the sensitivity if it is too difficult to aim</p>
Available on devices:
- Android
- Smart TV