
Play Year3055
The game is in the year 3055, when AI robots have taken over the world. The human race is on the brink of extinction. Will Captain Miles find a way to end the terror that the AI Robots are causing?

General Tyler contacted Captain Miles to come to the base to solve this AI problem.

Year3055 is a 3rd person shooter adventure game, where you control a character named Captain Miles through 4 chapters of the game.

Upon purchase, chapters 1 and 2 of the game will be available.

Chapters 3 and 4 will be available later on during the year.

Multiplayer, arcade mode will be available soon.

In Chapter 1, the player will be teleported into the underground sewer system where he will deal with melee enemies. In Chapter 2, As the player is back at the base, the AIs will become tougher to deal with. Is that a gun that they have? That's ok, I have something way better!
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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