X-Wing ESB

Play X-Wing ESB
X-Wing ESB is the sequel to X-Wing.

As in X-Wing the player pilots a fighter craft from a first-person perspective.

The first section has the player patrolling in a search and destroy mission for Droids. Transmissions emanating from the Droids can be shot to prolong the stage. Once the transmission does end up fully transmitted, the player advances. To earn a mission letter, the player must eradicate the specified number of Droids.

The second sequence involves the assault of walkers against the shield generator. The walkers have to be either destroyed or avoided, as collisions will damage the aircraft. The player has four tow-cables which can be used to take down the walkers instantly if fired at the walker's legs. Otherwise, the player has to aim for the red cockpits in order to destroy the walkers. To earn a mission letter, the player must eradicate the specified number of walkers.

The second half of the game has the player piloting at the head of a convoy trying to escape the enemy onslaught. First, the player encounters a swath of enemy fighter craft. To earn a mission letter, the player must eradicate the specified number of fighter craft. When enough time expires, the player moves on to an asteroid field, where the goal is simply to survive. To earn a mission letter, the player must make it through the field and not lose the game. Once finishing the fourth stage, the game starts back at the beginning at a higher difficulty level.
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Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV


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