Wukong:The Demon Monkey Comes

My life depend on myself not the fate. The Monkey Comes into the World Mobile Game is an adventure mobile game that can bring players to practice freely. In this world of magic fairyland, you can experience wonderful battles. Each stage is designed with new challenges. Each player can start a wonderful adventure in this world of magic, restart the journey of cultivating immortals, and start a wonderful fighting life.
The Monkey Comes into the World Hand Tour is a high degree of freedom adventure game with rich scenes that can be freely explored. The scene map of the game is very rich and huge, and each scene has a different style, which fully satisfies the players' desire for exploration. Completing daily tasks can get rich rewards, allowing you to enjoy super freedom in the different Jianghu world! Come and download it!
孫悟空,法號行者,頭銜猴是中國四大著名《西遊記》及相關傳說中的角色,自開仙石誕生以來,當猴王出生時,帶領一群猴子進入水簾洞成為全猴王,被稱為“孫悟空”。 在西牛賀州拜師拜師拜師,名為猴王,學會七十二變態、翻騰雲和高超的法術; 從東海龍王的宮中奪取兵器如意金穀棒,頭戴一副金鎖,頭戴頂級雞翅紫冠,架上一雙蓮藕絲步雲鞋; 能煉製出一副蓮藕絲步雲鞋; 能煉出一副蓮藕絲步雲鞋; 能煉製出千里袈裟的雙眸,可煉出一副高深的鬥雲。 孫悟空先到天上封府——畢馬文,因地位低下,回花果山猴自首,强行上天即封號。 醉醺醺的孫悟空打擾了王后的桃花宴,吃著老丹,在金剛鑽脚下修煉,在老煉金爐煉金爐煉化之間有著一雙銳利的眼睛。 與天堂的較量中,千日不敗,佛陀雖然在鬥智鬥勇中敗北,卻被壓在五行山下500年懺悔,重新開始。 慈悲點化,被僧人救出,保護唐經。 孫悟空一路保護唐僧香妖妖,歷經9981艱難,終於取回經書氣,號稱鬥佛。 在《西遊記》目錄或書中,孫悟空通常被稱為猴腦或晋功。 有綽號太陽,大國王,沃克大猿王,齊野,比馬文等。
The Monkey Comes into the World Hand Tour is a high degree of freedom adventure game with rich scenes that can be freely explored. The scene map of the game is very rich and huge, and each scene has a different style, which fully satisfies the players' desire for exploration. Completing daily tasks can get rich rewards, allowing you to enjoy super freedom in the different Jianghu world! Come and download it!
孫悟空,法號行者,頭銜猴是中國四大著名《西遊記》及相關傳說中的角色,自開仙石誕生以來,當猴王出生時,帶領一群猴子進入水簾洞成為全猴王,被稱為“孫悟空”。 在西牛賀州拜師拜師拜師,名為猴王,學會七十二變態、翻騰雲和高超的法術; 從東海龍王的宮中奪取兵器如意金穀棒,頭戴一副金鎖,頭戴頂級雞翅紫冠,架上一雙蓮藕絲步雲鞋; 能煉製出一副蓮藕絲步雲鞋; 能煉出一副蓮藕絲步雲鞋; 能煉製出千里袈裟的雙眸,可煉出一副高深的鬥雲。 孫悟空先到天上封府——畢馬文,因地位低下,回花果山猴自首,强行上天即封號。 醉醺醺的孫悟空打擾了王后的桃花宴,吃著老丹,在金剛鑽脚下修煉,在老煉金爐煉金爐煉化之間有著一雙銳利的眼睛。 與天堂的較量中,千日不敗,佛陀雖然在鬥智鬥勇中敗北,卻被壓在五行山下500年懺悔,重新開始。 慈悲點化,被僧人救出,保護唐經。 孫悟空一路保護唐僧香妖妖,歷經9981艱難,終於取回經書氣,號稱鬥佛。 在《西遊記》目錄或書中,孫悟空通常被稱為猴腦或晋功。 有綽號太陽,大國王,沃克大猿王,齊野,比馬文等。
Available on devices:
- Android
- Smart TV