Which Way Up: Galaxy Games

Which Way Up: Galaxy Games is a family friendly party game that gives unique freedom of movement by allowing you to run on walls and ceilings, orbit around planets, or fall across entire levels by manoeuvring through gravity fields.
Before The Universe existed, the Space Sprites banded together one-by-one to see a dream come to fruition: the dream of life itself. As The Universe began to take shape, so too did space. But space is unpredictable, and creating life is tiresome work. So, the Sprites took it upon themselves to create a pastime. The Galaxy Games.
Each event features its own unique bite-sized challenge where up to 4 players can compete. Eject your friends into space as you race across gravity fields, score a goal with an entire moon, leap across planets to escape a black hole, and capture and hold zodiacal constellations.
Gravity-bending platforming for up to 4 players locally and online using Steam Remote Play
7 Space Sprites (5 unlocked in the Demo)
Hours of fun for family and friends of all ages
More than 10 Galactic Games (6 unlocked in the Demo), including:
OverloadUNSTABLE ENERGY has infected one of the Sprites. Discharge the energy to another player before you OVERLOAD! Run away from the player who is overloading. Last Sprite standing WINS!
Star RingThe Star Ring is the place to be: jostle with friends to remain in its roving and life-giving light, the only place that fills your scorebar. The first player to fill up their scorebar wins!
Comet CollectComets with high energy cores are valuable to the Space Sprites! Collect them before other players, so you can absorb their energy later. Keep control of the Comets by dashing around and nudging them with the Comet Push ability. Keep the opposition away and collect as many as you can in your own base.
Event HorizonPlayers are being sucked into a supermassive BLACK HOLE!
Run, jump and platform away from its relentless suck—but don’t get too close to the opposition. Knock them off with your COMET PUSH ability (before they knock you off, of course) and be the last one standing!
Constellation CatchRace across the universe to touch, hold and capture as many constellations as you can. Constellations are fickle beasts, though. Unless they’re captured, constellations can be stolen from under your nose! Protect yours and poach theirs: it’s a Canis-eat-Canis world out there.
GravapultProtect your own precious planet against the volley of the oppositions’ bombs while collecting and lobbing your own counter-offensive bombardment.
Fledgling Space Spirits compete and train together to learn how to one day become the next avatar incarnation of their respective cosmic concepts.SproutA manifestation of biology and organic life, Sprout is a personification of nature and all living things.PrismA manifestation of light, Prism is a personification of electromagnetic radiation that can be perceived by the human eye.LunaA manifestation of Earth's only natural satellite, Luna is the embodiment of the night and Earth's shifting tides.SunnyA manifestation of the Star at the centre of our solar system, Sunny gives our home planet light and energy. Sunny has a close relationship with Prism and they both helped bring life to Sprout.MaggieA manifestation of the magnetic fields which allow objects to attract and repel each other. Maggie has the power to bring others together, or keep them apart.SparkHaving shone for millions of years, Spark is the brightest of all the Spirits.OrbitA manifestation of the curved path objects can follow in space when affected by gravity. Orbit will sometimes stop by for a short visit, or they'll never leave.
Available on devices:
- Windows