Way In The Stars: The Threat

Play Way In The Stars: The Threat
    The year is 2180. One year has passed since the events on the planet Kөkzhiek. Kristina is still suspended from piloting and is on forced leave. As before, people keep arranging their peaceful lives among the stars on a handful of colonized planets and questioning themselves whether they are the only intelligent creatures in the world since life had been found everywhere, but these findings did not meet their expectations.

    After a century of peace, nearly all of the planets were suddenly attacked by an unknown organization. The events, which seem at first glance not to be connected to the last year’s catastrophe, force Kristina and her friends to save themselves and others in order to find the answers and stop the unknown threat.
    This is a 2D shooter with 3D graphics. The gameplay was inspired by a not popular today genre of 2D shooters, but the entire world is not drawn flat but three-dimensional.

    Clever AI. Over 20 various enemies and unique bosses. Even regular enemies can create serious problems and interesting situations.
    Various missions and situations. You will be escaping from an attacked city, exploring the dungeons of the wild world, trying to sneak unnoticeably onto the enemy’s lab, and surviving on a frozen planet. All these individual elements are connected with a single plotline and compose an exciting adventure.

    Science fiction plot. Dialogues take a significant part in this game. You will find out about the humanity of the future, the people that surround you, and the background. Your attentiveness to the people around will define how successfully your gaming story finishes.
    The game is created by one person. The story continuation is created on a completely new, high level. In order to play this game, you don’t have to be acquainted with the events of the first game.
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    Available on devices:
    • Windows
