Vivat Rex

Play Vivat Rex

Tactical battles in our game represent epic clashes between two medieval armies. Victory is determined not only by the number of troops but also by the wise choice of types of warriors, their experience, equipment, and battle strategy.

In the global part of the game (turn-based mode), you are engaged in building armies, recruiting troops, researching technologies, developing weapon and armor production industries, and conquering territories on the world map.

Lords grow stronger over time. Armies under their command receive a bonus to combat power. Inspired by the presence of the lord, your warriors fight with greater strength, and their morale recovers faster.

The choice of perks when leveling up the lord affects the characteristics of troops or the lord himself.

Applying the "Formation" mechanics and focusing forces on key areas of the battlefield allows you to prevail even over numerically superior enemies.

Developing military science technologies, such as armor, weapons, and "Formation", is the foundation of a successful strategy.

Proper positioning of different types of troops on the battlefield ensures victory.

Researching armor and weapons is not enough. They need to be produced or captured in battles. If desired, each soldier can be equipped individually.

Seize Trophies.

Warriors equipped with modern weapons and armor and using advanced tactics will inevitably win battles.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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