Virtual Regatta Sailing School

Derived from Virtual Regatta Inshore, the Virtual Regatta School aims to teach sailing to everyone. The game consists of 10 challenges that break down everything you need to know about sailing.The first 5 lessons allow you to understand how a sailboat moves forward.
1- How the wind moves your boat
2- Boat speeds
3- How to sail upwind
4- Choose the best sail
5- How to sail like a champion
The next 5 lessons allow you to learn the basics of racing and the main priority rules, also known as the “Racing Rules of Sailing” as defined by World Sailing (the International Federation of Sailing).
1- The course of a regatta
2- How to avoid hitting the boat in front of you
3- Port versus Starboard
4- Windward versus leeward
5- Passing course marks
You are now ready to start racing on Virtual Regatta INSHORE and compete on the eSailing World Championship against the best sailors in the world.
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