
Play Veilslash
Veilslash is a Action Adventure where you play as an android created by a scientist who crash landed on an alien planet. Entrusted with the task of carrying a massive device toward the apex of the planet to transmit a distress message. In this Sisyphean quest you will find each step a testament to your endurance and determination.Key Features
Sisyphean Challenge: Embark on the task of carrying a significant device to the highest point of the planet Safira, allowing for a crucial communication signal.
Strategic Creativity: Interact and alter the terrain using special items unlike common tools like pickaxes. Transform the terrain allowing for a multitude of approaches to traverse and interact with the world.
Dynamic 2D Physics-Based Platformer: Experience a 2D platformer that utilizes physics, adding a layer of realism and complexity to movement and interactions within the game.Gameplay Mechanics

Phase Bomb - Vanquish obstacles by “phasing out” terrain, creating new paths to navigate, or removing barriers that block your way.

Columnizer and Islandizer - Alter the world around you by creating columns or floating islands, tailor-making your environment to suit your journey’s needs.

Grabber - Utilize the grabber tool to lift, transport the communication device and navigating the challenges each new terrain presents.

Undo - The undo feature allows for adjustment and experimentation. This ensures that players have the flexibility to adapt their strategies and correct missteps as they navigate challenges.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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