Vampire Memories - 吸血鬼的回忆

Play Vampire Memories - 吸血鬼的回忆
Introduction to the game
--------------------------------------This is a STG (bullet screen shooting) type of game called "Vampire Memories." In this game, you will control characters to participate in flying shooting, defeating enemies and their barrage. Unlike traditional STG games, this game features bullets that can cancel each other out, allowing players to protect themselves by destroying enemy bullets, thus easing the difficulty and giving a small sense of decompression.

The game has the characteristics of simple and easy operation, through the up and down left and right direction keys to move, select menus, enter keys to confirm, use A, S, D, F, Z, X, C, V and other keys to carry out skills and attack operations. The game supports controllers, and plans to introduce Steam Workshop features, allowing players to freely develop mods.

This game type Tag (for reference):
1. Flight shooting
two。 Barrage shooting
3. Clear version shooting
5. Similar to lightning; similar to (Randen)
6. Similar to the East; similar to (Touhou)

Developer email address:
[email protected]

Q群: 931696743

The current development status of this game.
Q: what do you need to pay special attention to in this question and answer?
A: all languages in different countries are translated by AI; there is only one developer of the game, who does not speak any language other than Chinese, so all the other languages indicated on the game interface are translated using AI.
A: sometimes, you may see that some nouns are followed by parentheses in standard English, which is prepared to make it easier for AI translators to identify nouns---- [2024-0225] ----
This week's diary:
1. The main work this week is to develop the prop system.
two。 So far, the research and development has been going well; it may be a long time before we will be able to test it in the next trial version.
3. Recently, when I was thinking about how to make the icon of the prop, I thought of the old arcade game "Metal Slug" while consulting the data. I thought that maybe I could make use of the design in this game and let the prop icon be marked with the English letter Amurz. In this way, I would know the type of each prop more clearly.
4. However, at present, there is not a good way of thinking.
5. Specifically, let's see if we can come up with a better prop system next week.
6. So, we're done here this week. I'll see you next week.

Game operation
Q: how does the character move?
A: up and down the left and right keys to move

Q: how to operate the menu?
A: up and down the left and right direction keys to select
A: enter key to confirm

Q: how do you operate skills and attacks?
A: operate A, S, D, F, Z, X, C, V of the keyboard
A: these eight keys are located in the lower left corner of the keyboard and are easy to identify.

Q: is there any saying that a key has a specific usage?
A: Z button, designed to accelerate the movement of a character
A: X keys, designed for basic attacks on characters
A: C button, designed for melee attacks by characters
A: v buttons, designed to slow down the movement of a character
A: a button, designed for the release of skill 1 of the character
A: s button, designed for the release of the character's skill 2
A: d button, designed for the release of the character's skill 3
A: F button, designed for the release of a character's skill 4--------------------------------------
Developer's platform account:
Historical information
-------------------------------------- ---- [2024-0219] ----
This week's diary:
1. Right away, happy Lantern Festival.
two。 Recently, it is focusing on how to make a flight shooting game more interesting, while developing a new system.
3. This system is thinking about how to make the dimensions of the game wider, and then go to refer to a lot of old games.
4. That is, similar to the previous arcade game "Knights of Valour", there will be a system for using props in the course of the game; after thinking about it, I found that it might be used in this flying shooting STG game.
5. For this reason, recently, the underlying research and development of this prop system has been carried out.
6. Finally, I hope the research and development of this part can go smoothly.
7. So, that's all for this week's update log. I'll see you next week.---- [2024-0211] ----
This week's diary:
1. Happy New year ~
2. This week's major R & D efforts focused on how to make aerial shooting games more fun;
3. Because, after all, all the flight shooting games so far have the same process; if it is just such a simple game flow, it still feels a little less interesting.
4. Therefore, a new system module is being developed recently; this module is inspired by the prop use system of the game "War of the three Kingdoms" (Knights of Valour).
5. However, it is still in the development stage, and it is difficult to say what kind of system it will be.
6. I originally planned to write more about the recent opening up this week; however, after thinking for a while, I don't know whether these development contents will actually be completed; let's wait for a while and see what happens. If it can be successfully completed, then we will talk about the details of the development system.
7. So, this week's update diary is written here; I hope next week's development can be smooth;
8. So, I'll see you next week.---- [2024-0204] ----
This week's diary:
1. Palworld made me addicted for more than a week; it was so much fun; recently, I finally had enough addiction to the game; I can finally settle down and continue to develop the game.
two。 Although the addiction of Palworld has been enough, as the Chinese New year is approaching, this week I spent a lot of time preparing things related to the Spring Festival at home, so the progress of the opening of the game will have some impact.
3. However, Palworld is not without its disadvantages. I have recently learned a lot from this game, including a prop system I recently wanted to add to the flight shooting STG game. Maybe I can get some reference from Palu.
4. And what I can learn is that because I have been developing my own games recently, I seldom take the initiative to play new games, and I lack a lot of things to consider when I am open to some games. When I play Palworld, it brings me a lot of new experience.
5. Next, let's see if I can make good use of the experience of playing Paru with this liver explosion and integrate these experiences into the game I'm developing.
6. But in short, it's over, and tomorrow is also a new festival for Steam. I hope the next game development work can go smoothly.
7. So, I'll see you next week. Bye.---- [2024-0128] ----
This week's diary:
1. My God! Palworld is fun! I have been addicted to this game for a week;
two。 However, the opening of the game this week is still making some progress.
3. The main development content is to write the relevant content code for the completed version of the game; because the trial version is almost ready, there may be no new actions until the end of the new product festival.
4. Therefore, the main work at present is still aimed at the research and development of new content.
5. Hope to quickly finish the addiction of Palworld and continue to develop the game; this game is really interesting!
6. So, I'll see you next week.---- [2024-0121] ----
This week's diary:
1. The trial version is finally officially made public.
two。 For example, the new festival is less than 15 days away, if there is no problem, this should be the version to participate in the new festival.
3. I hope you can have a good time. If you have any feedback, you can send it to my email.
4. Recently, because I am quite busy, I will probably only talk about these things this week.
5. The following development plan is to continue to open to the finished product of the game, hoping to complete a rich and fun game.
6. So, that's it for this week. I hope the new product can save energy and spend it safely.
7. So I'll see you next week.---- [2024-0114] ----
This week's diary:
1. We are still making final fine-tuning updates to the trial version this week.
two。 The new festival is less than 20 days away, and it should be hoped that the trial version will be completed before then.
3. At present, we have reached the final stage of the trial version, and if the final work goes well, we can seal the version.
4. This week I have been so busy with the final production of the trial version that I have no time to collect questions and answers to reply.
5. Anyway, that's all for this week. If all goes well, the trial version can be downloaded before next week.
6. So I'll see you next week.---- [2024-0107] ----
Q: what is the difficulty of the trial version?
A: the early stage of the trial version will be relatively simple and easy. Because it is a trial version, the intensity of the later BOSS will be exaggerated, which may make people unable to beat it. However, this is deliberately designed at present, and it will all be different in the ordinary version.

Q: I see that the trial version of the page can already be searched?
A: yes, the trial version of the page has been approved.

Q: when can I start downloading the trial version to play the game?
A: It will take a few days for the final debugging of the demo version. If there is no problem, it will be directly available for download.

This week's diary:
1.2024 is coming. I wish you all a healthy and happy new year.
two。 This week I found that the creative workshop support for the trial version on Steam has some limitations, such as if you open the creative workshop page of the trial version, you will jump directly to the game's home page. At present, a feasible solution to this problem is still being found.
3. It is less than 30 days before the countdown to the new festival, and the final fine-tuning of the trial version has been made recently, and the trial version should be available for download in the next few days after the fine-tuning is over.
4. Anyway, it's really great that we can finally catch up with the new festival.
5. So that's all for this week. I'll see you next week.---- [2023-1231] ----
Q: what is the trial version of the creative workshop like?
A: there will be a lot of restrictions on creative workshops specifically for testing and experience.

This week's diary:
1. It's almost 2024. Happy New year.
two。 Today is December 31st, finally on the last day, the minimum trial version has been completed, here are the final steps for submitting Steam review; it is not easy, it is easy to catch up with it.
3. I found that the trial version can also be tested in the creative workshop; this is really great, and it can be debugged in the creative workshop at the beginning of the game trial.
4. At present, we should be able to catch up with the new festival in February. That's great.
5. So that's all for this week. I'll see you next week.---- [2023-1224] ----
Q: December is coming to an end. Can we catch up with the trial version?
A: I'm trying.

Q: as I said before, it is recommended not to wait too long for the development progress mentioned before the installation. We can start with the EA version.
A: we'll think about it. We'll see.

Q: it is suggested that the ranking function should be added to the trial version, which will be more interesting for the game.
A: that will be considered.

This week's diary:
1. Looks like Christmas is coming. Merry Christmas.
two。 There are still 7 days to go before the end of December, and the production of the level has gone smoothly, but taking into account that it will take a certain amount of time to build a trial version on Steam, it always feels like a sudden dead line.
3. The author of the current level has tried it himself, and it seems to be OK, and now he is going all out to sprint towards the final stage of the trial version.
4. Currently considering a trial version of how long the game flow, I do not know whether to make it 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or more game time.
5. I'll see you next week.---- [2023-1217] ----
This week's diary:
1. At present, for the trial version, the initial direction has been almost decided, and it may be developed towards a simple endless model.
two。 There are still 13 days to go before the end of December, and we still don't know if we can complete the trial version before then.
3. The initial goal of the trial version is to design in this direction with a simple demonstration of the process of the on-screen shooting game.
4. At present, we are still developing and thinking about the level of the trial version, hoping to find out what a better trial version of the level should look like.---- [2023-1211] ----
Q: It was said before that there might be elements of "vampire survivors." Has this policy not changed yet?
A: it can't be said to be integrated, it was a consideration at that time; it can't be regarded as a policy. At present, I want to do it if I can integrate it into the system healthily. Now it still depends on the development of the game as a whole.

Q: Before, I said that I saw the game "Arrow Sword". This simple play method will be very fascinating. Are you still going to continue to quote the flow of "Arrow Sword"?
A: At that time, I thought this game mode might be very healthy to play, easy to use, and fun; I'm still not sure, but it depends on the development of the game; but now I still think that the mode of arrow sword game seems to be very suitable for the current development route of this game.

Q: tell me more about the skills of the character.
A: at present, the core process is still under development, and when the core process is determined, we can begin to introduce skills.

This week's diary:
1. I was busy updating this week, so I came back to think that when I wrote this log, it was 01:00 on the evening of December 11th.
two。 There are still 20 days to go before the end of December, and I hope to perfect a minimum trial version by then.---- [2023-1203] ----
Will QRV be available for trial in December?
A: I'm doing it, and I'm already in the development of the trial version. It is uncertain whether it will be available within December.

This week's diary:
1. Officially entered the research and development of the trial version, and began to slowly fill in the missing parts, and the functions required by the trial version are gradually improving.
two。 This week, I was busy developing the trial version, and when I looked back, it was all the research and development needed for the trial version, but the progress was mediocre at first glance; maybe that's what the game development actually is.
3. All in all, it is hoped that the trial version will be officially completed within December.---- [2023-1126] ----
Q: there has been a lot of talk about WORKSHOP recently. Is it very easy to make Mod for this game?
A: not necessarily. Developers have just improved the function of updating the created Mod to the creative workshop (WORKSHOP) more easily. Players also need to be familiar with the production method of Mod before they can make Mod and upload it to the creative workshop (WORKSHOP) for use.

This week's diary:
1. This week is mainly to start the official development of the Demo version.
2. Since the basic work content is complete, the next focus is on completing the Demo version.
3. Originally expected to complete the Demo version within 12 months, according to the current progress can only be said to barely catch up; finally, it depends on whether the actual development progress is smooth.---- [2023-1120] ----
This week's diary:
1. The update is late again. I should have sent this update diary yesterday, but I forgot it because I was too busy.
two。 As I've been busy lately, I'm going to simply write an update log this week.
3. First of all, due to the completion of the first phase of the code last week, we can finally concentrate on continuing development this week; after a week of busy work, the item updates (ITEM UPDATE, ITEM CREATE) of the Creative Workshop (WORKSHOP) in the game have been successfully completed!
4. So, up to now, it can be said that the game has the minimum function that allows players to use the Creative Workshop (WORKSHOP).
5. That's all for this week's update log. Due to solving the impact of the Unity incident, we may be more busy with the development of the game, hoping to improve the trial version of the game as soon as possible.
6. The item update demonstration about WORKSHOP is also posted in the video of the author's platform account. If you are interested, you can take a look.---- [2023-1112] ----
This week's diary:
1. Simply write a diary this week
two。 First of all, the first phase of code improvement has been initially completed; the following can continue with the progress made on September 13; that is, from the day Unity issued the announcement, two months have been spent on rectifying the internal code; to make it as far as possible to divest Unity; until today, the first phase of divestiture is finally over.
3. To this end, the development work that has stalled since September 13 can finally continue.
4. Tired of doing this first phase of code research and development work this week, I still haven't collected some question and answer information; however, as long as the code improvement work goes smoothly, it feels like the whole game project is going smoothly. Everything is acceptable.
5. Finally, let's sum up this week; one is that the game development work, which has been stagnant for two months, can finally begin; and the other is that this time the code took two months.---- [2023-1105] ----
Q: when would you like to get a more specific version of Demo?
A: there is no way to be specific. It can only be decided according to whether the development is smooth or not, but you can give an irresponsible premonition that it may be December, and if not, it will be in January.

This week's diary:
1. I haven't collected many Q & A sessions this week, so just keep a simple diary.
two。 First of all, the current improvement of the internal code is relatively smooth, and it is finally the end of the first stage of code improvement.
3. Then, so far, the news of Unity on September 13, which has been almost two months now, has been doing this kind of code cleaning for the Unity incident, which is almost equivalent to the Unity incident, which has wasted developers two months to deal with it.
4. Finally, we have signed up for the new product festival in February 2024, so it is necessary to complete the production of the most basic version of Demo before that. The production of the Demo version was originally planned at that time on September 13, but it was delayed for more than two months, so the overall development is relatively difficult.
5. At the end, I want to use the voice of the Blood Emperor in the arena in season 4 of OVERLORD to shout, "come on, Godot!"---- [2023-1029] ----
Q: I have seen that it is possible to provide creative workshop support in the Demo version. Is this permanent?
A: it is only possible for this Demo version to provide creative workshops; it means that if the development goes well, the Demo version may be supported by creative workshops; in addition, this is not provided permanently, it is limited to the Demo version, and developers cannot guarantee that creative workshops can provide them permanently.

Q: isn't it too much to make a mountain out of a molehill to see that all the updates in the last month are sorting out the code for Unity?
A: maybe, but developers still want to optimize the code as much as possible

Is there something wrong with putting the Q:Demo version in the creative workshop?
A: This is the first time developers have developed games on Steam, Steam-based platforms, Steam-based APIs, Steam-based support, all of which need to be tested; therefore, they will consider opening the workshop directly in the Demo version; of course, all of this will be achieved under the premise of smooth development;

This week's diary:
1. This week is basically a break. Some time ago, it took too much energy to clean up the code for Unity, so that developers spent most of this week taking a break.---- [2023-1022] ----
This week's diary:
1. This week, we are still working on the finishing of the code, but on the whole, it is going well, and it has finally come to an end; at present, all the more important parts of the code have been sorted out, although there is still work left to finish the code. but you can see the end.
two。 As long as the code being sorted out is finished, we can continue with the development of the Demo version, hoping to have the Demo version ready by December 1st.
3. I've been concentrating on the code this week, and I haven't collected many questions and answers. I can only write these diaries this week.
4. If the collation of the code goes well, it should be able to release the test version of the creative workshop in the Demo version.---- [2023-1015] ----
Q: has the recent Unity event had a big impact on the completion of the Demo version?
A: very much, developers have to stop their previous development work and tidy up the overall code; all this is to prepare for better separation from Unity in the future; it is also because of this that code sorting has been going on in the past few weeks, which has greatly delayed the completion time of the Demo version; as a whole, it is really too difficult.

Q: when will the Demo version be completed?
A: because the Unity incident has led to unpredictability, just listen to this answer. The forecast will probably be in late November or December 1, but it's not sure. Just listen to it.

Q: is it possible that the recent sorting out of the code has been successfully completed and the Demo version will be available?
A: yes, because of the Unity incident, the developer had to sort out the overall code in order to cope with the new Unity incident, which led to the delay in the production of the Demo version; this Unity incident was too painful.

This week's diary:
1. This week's work is still in the process of code sorting.
two。 However, at least the overall work is smooth, although the overall content is very complicated, but at least it is going smoothly.---- [2023-1009] ----
This week's diary:
1. It's too late to update the log again!
two。 Recently, the main core work is the finishing of the code, and after nearly a month of stripping the code, it is finally coming to an end.
3. Although it will take some time for the final and complete divestiture of Unity, at least we can see the head; some of the core code stripping has already seen the end, and the most difficult technical problems have been solved.
4. This wave of Unity's influence was real. According to the original development plan, it was almost ready for the Demo version at this time.
5. However, in the end, it is quite smooth, although it still takes some time to clean up the code, but after these work is completed, we can get back on track and carry out the research and development of the Demo version.
6. No questions and answers have been collected for weekly log updates this week, mainly focusing on tidying up the code. If you work a little harder to get through this period of time, the development of this game should be very smooth in the future.---- [2023-1002] ----
Q: I think it is a good highlight to allow players to make their own creative workshops, which should be included in the game introduction.
A: yes! I'll think about it!

Q: as the development of the DEMO version is slowly completed, is it possible to update the promotional map on the store page?
A: yes! As soon as the DEMO version is completed, these temporary posters on the store page will be replaced!

Q: I see that developers are studying information about Godot engine. Will you consider switching to Godot engine in the future?
A: not necessarily. Recently, several engines are under consideration. At present, this project is still developed by Unity. At least this project should be completed. But I feel that Godot as an open source causes quite a charm!

This week's diary:
1. It's late to update the log! Busy with the code, so busy that I lost track of time!
two。 Recently, it is still aimed at sorting out the code, on the whole, toward more stripping Unity to do code updates, in order to leave Unity at any time in the future.
3. As a result of signing up for the new product festival in February 2024, the main goal of the recent work is for the completion of the DEMO version; as long as the DEMO version is successfully completed and can catch up with the new product festival, then the overall development progress will not lag behind and the project can be successfully completed.
4. Recently, the high intensity of busy code, more busy; the main reason is that the Unity event, need to spend a lot of extra energy to clean up the code, it is really too tiring
5. However, what is more reassuring is that the creative workshop (WORKSHOP) has been successfully completed; it is really great that by the time the Unity incident comes out, the development of the creative workshop (WORKSHOP) is nearing the end, otherwise I do not know how much time will be wasted by Unity.---- [2023-0924] ----
Q: I have seen that this game has signed up for the new festival in February 2024; does this mean that there will be a trial Demo before then?
A: yes, that's the original development plan, but recently, due to the impact of the Unity charging incident, it has had a great impact on the overall research and development. Developers need to spend a lot of time rectifying the code. I hope it will not affect the participation of the new festival.

Q: when was the original plan to release the Demo version for the new festival?
A: it was originally planned to release the Demo version at an earlier time before February 2024, but because of the impact of the Unity charging incident, it will be a little later than the scheduled time, and the specific time has not been well set; this event has a great impact on the overall project development; we can only hope to participate in the new product festival as smoothly as possible.

This week's diary:
1. I saw the news from STEAM about the new product festival in February 2024. Now I have started to sign up. I hope the future development will make it smooth for me to have Demo before the new product festival.
two。 All in all, the charging incident of Unity has a great impact on the whole project, and developers have to spend a lot of extra time to modify the code.---- [2023-0916] ----
This week's diary:
1. This week, Unity gave us a big show; it felt outrageous; it disrupted the current development plan, but fortunately it didn't have much impact on the current project.
two。 This week's support for WORKSHOP has almost come to an end; because of the program performed by Unity, extra energy has to be spent on additional code development and processing.
3. Future projects may not use Unity development, will consider UE or Godot engine
4. However, the current game development will continue normally, hoping to catch up with the February 2024 New Product Festival;---- [2023-0910] ----
Q: in the group of developers, have you seen that a lot of time has been spent on the research and development of this Steam creative workshop (WORKSHOP) recently?
A: yes, the developers think that Steam's creative workshop (WORKSHOP) is really a very good system and want to support the creative workshop as much as possible.

Q: the game hasn't been developed yet. Will it be a bit of putting the cart before the horse if you just put your mind to the construction of the creative workshop?
A: maybe, but developers still want to focus on the creative workshop, improve the module as much as possible, and think that the support of a useful creative workshop will be very important to the game, although they are not sure.

This week's diary:
1. Previously said to change the cover of the store page, because there is no recent creation of art resources, to change back a better-looking cover that has been used before; on the other hand, the screenshot of the game is still in preparation. Will wait until the game development continues another stage before the new game screenshot will be updated.
two。 This week, the function of switching on and off the subscription MOD is completed. Now we will enter the final research and development of support for Steam Creative Workshop (WORKSHOP). The main direction of research and development is to make it easier for users to make and upload items from the creative workshop.---- [2023-0903] ----
Q: I said before that I would consider changing the promotional map on the store page, but I found that I didn't seem to have started to change it yet.
A: yes, it will be replaced. at present, developers are busy developing games and haven't started to prepare for these things yet. when the current work at hand is done, they will begin to change promotional images and covers.

Q: the promotional images on the store page have been used for a long time. Should you update some screenshots of other games?
A: yes, developers feel the same way. I plan to find time to make a new batch of game screenshots and replace them when the recent research and development work is over.

This week's diary:
1. This week, I am mainly busy with the production of MOD system; in order to be more suitable for Steam Workshop (WORKSHOP), I am working hard to develop and process the system module in this area;---- [2023-0828] ----
Q: would you consider developing a knapsack system, including the collection and use of falling props?
A: I have considered it. I am worried that it will deviate from the game category of traditional STG games. At present, I am still thinking about whether to build such a system.

Q: I see that some games will do special treatment to the achievement system; for example, they will gain some achievement points according to the unlocking of the achievement, and then use these points to unlock some functions or abilities; do you consider making such a system?
A: this is really interesting! The author will consider this suggestion carefully!

Q: be sure to access Steam's cloud archiving system!
A: this will be considered! In the recent Steam interface access work, the cloud archiving system of Steam is indeed being studied.

This week's diary:
1. This week misremembered the time, mistakenly remembered that August 28th is Sunday, resulting in the update of this week's log (ORZ)
two。 Recently, I am concentrating on the research and development of Steam docking. I believe that the game can support Steam's achievement system at the early stage, and try its best to enable the game to be connected to Steam's Creative Workshop (WORKSHOP) system at the initial stage.
3. It was late to update the log this week. I just checked the time and found that it was already Monday. I hurriedly updated the log of the previous week.---- [2023-0820] ----
Q: I saw that in this week's demo video, props that restore HP will fall, as well as props that add Exp, but from the panel, I don't seem to see that the character has a big trick, which is the kind of trick that can empty all enemy bullets after use.
A: yes, this STG game is a game without this type of trick.

Q: these dropped props used to restore HP will not be useful when the character's HP value is full. Can you modify them, such as increasing the player's score, or making the props available for use at any time?
A: that's an interesting idea! The developer will consider it.

This week's diary:
1. Recently, I have been thinking about what kind of STG game should be developed.
two。 Some players say that it should be as simple as possible, simply as a simple on-screen shooting game.
3. Some players say that they should be as different as possible and incorporate many elements to make it a very special STG game.
4. The author has recently been thinking about this question, thinking about what kind of game an STG game should develop into;---- [2023-0813] ----
Q: when I see the latest picture on the store page, does it mean that the STG game has three attributes: HP, MP and CP?
A: yes, it will be a bit biased towards RPG games

Q: at the same time, I also see the concept of Exp rating. Is this a STG game that can be upgraded during the game?
A: yes, with the progress of the game, the level of the player's character will also be improved

This week's diary:
1. The log was updated late this week.
two。 Recent research and development, thinking about how to introduce a different style of play into a STG game, has been studying this for the last week.
3. The research and development of creative workshop (WORKSHOP) is also under way, thinking about how to make the introduction of creative workshop easier and more convenient for players to use.---- [2023-0806] ----
Q: I saw the mod demo video made by the author. Does this mean that I can do the same kind of mod then?
A: Yes, the mod is open;

Q: I saw the author say that mod making will be very simple, is that true, does that mean that anyone can easily make mod?
A: yes, but it's better to have a basis for writing scripts; on the whole, it should be easier to make mod

This week's diary:
1. See that many people ask about the production of mod; developers may think that the production of mod is very easy, but also in the direction of easy production of mod to develop the game.---- [2023-0730] ----
This week's diary:
1. As the development of the game becomes more and more perfect, it will be possible to update the dynamics of the new game GIF diagram on the Steam Store page in about a while.
two。 Try to update a dynamic diagram of GIF on the store page this week; this is part of the game's current development feature
3. I haven't received any Q & An information for the time being this week. I haven't thought of any Q & An in this week's diary. It may be available next week.---- [2023-0723] ----
Q: when will there be a new game Mod to make videos?
A: very soon. Recently, it took a lot of time to develop the support of the creative workshop (WORKSHOP). Now it is over and you can enter the production of the video. Once it is finished, it will continue to be posted to my platform account.

This week's diary:
1. Recently, I have finally played with the support of the creative workshop (WORKSHOP), and I can finally prepare to resume the update of the video.---- [2023-0716] ----
Q: will this game take part in the Steam New products Festival in October?
A: no, the current development schedule can't catch up with the new Steam festival in October

Q: when will the game be released in PLAY-TEST or DEMO?
A: probably around October; (if the development goes well)

This week's diary:
1. This week is also developing the bottom of the game, from the beta version (PLAY-TEST) should be soon.---- [2023-0710] ----
Q: how is the progress of the current creative workshop (WORK SHOP) development?
A: it went very well! On the other hand, due to the focus on the creative workshop (WORK SHOP), this week's log update has become slower.

This week's diary:
1. The update of the log is one day late, one day late! Recently, I was so focused on the development of creative workshop (WORK SHOP) that I forgot to update my blog!
two。 If all goes well, the game's support for the creative workshop (WORK SHOP) should be fine.---- [2023-0702] ----
Q: haven't you updated the video on the video platform this week?
A: Yes, there was a paragraph in the program updated before, and it may resume updating next week or next week;

Q: are you also developing a creative workshop (workshop) this week?
A: yes, the workshop is really great.

This week's diary:
1. Creative workshop (workshop) is really a good thing.---- [2023-0625] ----
Q: recently, I have seen some updates to the creative workshop. Is it possible to support the creative workshop at the beginning of the game?
A: because the production of STEAM Creative Workshop (workshop) is being studied recently, it is possible to achieve it.

This week's diary:
1. This week, the focus is also on the access of STEAM creative workshops.
two。 Access to the creative workshop (WORKSHOP) is smoother than expected---- [2023-0618] ----
Q: excuse me, will creative workshops be developed as soon as the game is launched?
A: it depends. If the development goes well when the game is launched, you may consider opening it directly.

This week's diary:
1. This week's focus is on studying STEAM Workshop access;
two。 If it goes well, it may have the function of a creative workshop when the game is launched.---- [2023-0611] ----
Q: it is suggested to make a vampire survivor mode. I want to experience what this STG game looks like with vampire survivor mode. Will it be fun?
A: the author will consider it, but the mainstream development direction is still the ordinary STG on-screen shooting game.

Q: do you have a live demo video of the game?
A: in this store page, the developer's platform account is written, and there are some demo videos uploaded by developers. You can take a look.

Q: it is recommended to put more screenshots and videos of games on the store page.
A: OK, the author will update these contents as the game development advances to a higher level.

This week's diary:
1. I received an invitation to participate in the GDWC competition this week, but it is a pity that the current game has not been developed enough to participate in the competition.
two。 Recently, I have experienced the development of STEAM creative workshop, and it may not be far away from realizing the development of my own creative workshop.---- [2023-0604] ----
Q: this week's video shows that there are 4000 on-screen comments that can be eliminated from each other, which can achieve a frame rate of 150,250frame rate on the developer's machine. Will it lead to a serious frame rate drop on the player machine whose performance is not so good?
A: at present, we are also considering this problem, and we are currently thinking about how to solve this problem; however, in the actual process of the game, the number of on-screen comments will be controlled at about 2000, and the 4000 on-screen comments in the video demonstration are recorded for performance stress testing.

Q: I have heard that the author will make an online system for this game before, is it true?
A: it's fake; when it is officially available for sale, there will be no online function; what was discussed at that time was that, if possible, the author wanted to slowly open and test online after that; but this does not mean that the player has promised that the game will have an online system; I'm really sorry if you misunderstood it.

Q: it is suggested that the author can change the cover of the previously painted material back and forth every week. After all, not so many people have seen the game with those previously painted covers.
A: the author will consider it---- [2023-0528] ----
Q: there is no PV on the store page, so you can't see the real demo screen of the game intuitively.
A: yes, the author develops the game alone. At present, I don't have the energy to spare the time to make PV. However, some progress logs of game development have been published on the author's video platform account, and the platform account is also written on this page.

This week's diary:
1. This week, with a drawing board in hand and staring at the screen for a long time, I have no inspiration to draw anything. Change this picture once a week to update it when you are inspired every week, otherwise you will spend a lot of time developing games; it's not cost-effective.
two。 If you don't have to spend time focusing on weekly painting, there will be more time spent on game development.
3. The thing of painting, wait for the inspiration every week, draw on it
4. With the development of the handle, the four buttons of ASDF have been improved at the same time, which are designed for skill 1-4 release.---- [2023-0521] ----
Q: I saw a hint on the store page that this game is fully compatible with the handle. is this recently developed?
A: yes, in the recent development plan, the support of the handle controller has been completed, and the game will be able to support the controller to play games in the future.

Other words: efforts have been made to develop compatible support for handlers this week, resulting in updates to store pages and slow release of videos this week.
ORZ...---- [2023-0514] ----
Q: last week I asked if the game had the same game style as Vampire Survivor, and the answer was no, but why do I see that the development plan has the same plan as this game?
A: because it is mainly developed in the mode of STG game type; on the other hand, the author is also considering how to integrate the game type of vampire survivor game.

Q: I see that this game is a STG game, so is it any different from the on-screen shooting game of Oriental Project series? Is also to avoid a large number of on-screen comments, is it a very difficult on-screen shooting game?
A: there will be some differences. The bullets fired by this game can destroy the enemy's bullets, so you don't have to dodge the enemy's bullets completely.

Q: I see that this game has a red energy bar and a blue energy bar; does this mean that after the energy bar is exhausted, you can't fire bullets?
A: yes, firing bullets consumes energy. If there is no energy, you can't fire bullets.---- [2023-0507] ----
Q: I saw that the name of the game is Vampire memories. Does he have any connection with vampire survivors in the game content? Or is this game a vampire survivor type of game?
A: This game is an STG game with bullet screen shooting, a flying shooting type game, not a vampire survivor type game.

Q: this game seems to be a little different from the traditional STG game. I've seen developers say they will do vampire survivor games like this. Is that true?
A: this is an idea, and it is possible to update the mode of the game after the completion of the STG game, which is supplemented with the STEAM cloud archiving function.---- [2023-0430] ----
Q: is this store page updated once a week?
A: yes, as the game development progress is slowly completed, the game development content will be updated in the form of Q & An on this STEAM page every week

Q: I saw in the demo video that the bullet screen speed is too fast. If it is a traditional STG game, will it be too difficult to have such a fast bullet screen speed?
A: the enemy has barrage at different speeds. In the latest demo video, there is a slow demonstration of enemy barrage.

Q: when I see the store page updated every week, I update the cover information of the store page. Is this the art resource used in the game?
A: yes, it will be slowly updated to the store page as the game art resources are drawn.

Q: is the game going to use STEAM Achievement system?
A: yes, the game will introduce STEAN Achievement system---- [2023-0423] ----
Q: does our ability to destroy the enemy's barrage mean that when we write Mod, we have lower requirements for the design of the barrage?
A: yes, this game uses a different design pattern from the traditional STG; not to avoid the enemy's barrage, but to destroy the enemy's barrage through fire; the game is played in this way

Q: I see that the game seems to have a limit on the number of bullets?
A: red and blue energy grooves are introduced, which limit the use of skills.

Q: are the enemy's bullets too fast?
A: because we can destroy the enemy's bullets, players are safe to a certain extent---- [2023-0416] ----
Q: I see that there is a rubbing system in this game. is this true?
A: yes, the writing of the game system is supported by the writing and rubbing system

Q: I've seen you write that bullets can destroy each other. Will this lead to inefficient performance when running the game?
A: no, the author has written good system support so that there is no significant performance impact when a large number of bullets collide and destroy each other.

Q: I see 5700X and 5500XT are recommended in CPU and GPU. Is this too performance demanding?
A: this is the environment in which the author developed the game. in fact, the author judged that the performance requirements were very low, so he specially marked them in parentheses. It only needs to reach the percentage of 5700X and 5500XT corresponding requirements relative to the performance; even a little lower should be possible.

Q: I see the introduction says that this game is developed in a way that can develop Mod freely. Does it mean that we will start an Italian workshop in STEAM in the future? I'm not talking about the kind of creative workshops that jump to third-party websites, but in STEAM?
A: Yes; the author has this intention; there is a problem at present, that is, the author has never carried out the research and development of the creative workshop on STEAM, and is not familiar with how to open the creative workshop of STEAM; when the author is familiar with it, he wants to open the creative workshop on STEAM very much;------------
Q: what are the characteristics of this game?
A: it's a game in which all bullets can eliminate each other, or it can be said to be a little decompressed.
A: at the same time, it is a STG, on-screen shooting game that constructs the underlying code to the mode of free development of mod; it means that you can write mod to write different game chapters that play the same way.

Q: what is the current development progress?
A: at present, the underlying architecture of the game has been basically developed, leaving the stage of level production and art material drawing.

Q: how many people developed it?
A: it was developed by a single person.

Q: when will the formal development be completed?
A: when the final step of the level design, the small story script, and the drawing of the art material are completed, the game is officially developed.

Q: I think the store page is very shabby. Is it because the game hasn't been developed yet?
A: yes, game developers will gradually update the information on the store page as the game develops to different stages.

Q: will these questions and answers be updated in the future?
A: yes, as the developers of the game continue to update the new content on this store page as they develop the game to different stages

Q: if I am interested in this game, even if the game has not yet been developed, how can I tell the game developer what I think?
A: You can express your thoughts to the following email address; especially note that the developer does not know languages other than Chinese, so he uses translation software to read your information; if the developer will reply to your email, it is also translated by translation software. If the translation software translation error causes offense, please forgive me;
Developer email address:
[email protected]
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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