Troy: The Soldier

Play Troy: The Soldier
Game Description:

Play as the young enlisted Michael as he goes through odd location to odd location looking for why he's stuck in a 40 year time loop. Meet odd fellows, weird looking Oddities, people doing their low entry jobs, and talking piles of ash as you embark on your very odd quest.

Purchase skills and give them to the RIGHT party members

Enjoy the 75+ theme soundtrack with new songs for each room (almost)

Purchase items to upgrade health and other stats

Look through the stylistic monochromatic game based around limited color pallet handheld games

Equip different types of gear to each of your party members (anyone can equip any armor, except a few)

Go through seven different areas (or eight if you can find it) all with their own different colors, unique enemies, unique bosses, and tracks

And be sure to be sparing of your items, you never know when you might need them.

The game's around four hours or more, give or take with the main file size coming from all the music (All of which are open to listen to in the files, so be weary of spoilers.)

RPG MAKER VX ACE's Run Time Package (RTP) is needed to play this game.

(Thank you Galv Scripts for creating the scripts used for this game, and thank you to yanfly as well.)
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
