Timeshift Detective

Play Timeshift Detective
"Timeshift Detective" is a story centric puzzle game, aiming to deliver an authentic detective experience. Play as Harrison Steel, a hard-boiled detective with a secret soft spot for justice. Explore the city of Neo Haze as you meet a colorful cast of suspects, victims, witnesses and innocents. Inspect evidence, question your suspects and cleverly combine clues in order to solve 5 seemingly unconnected cases, as a conspiracy slowly unravels that is bigger than anything Harrison could have imagined!

In "Timeshift Detective", almost all information you find is tracked inside your notebook, either as clues or as concrete questions. It is your job to think like a true detective and filter out how much of this information is of any actual importance to the case. Clues can be used when talking to the various people surrounding the case in order to gain further information, or can be combined to formulate hypotheses, which can result in new questions to ask.

Of course, cases are rarely solved through attentive listening and critical thinking alone: what you need is hard evidence! Inspect various objects, leaf through notes and files, piece together torn pictures and hack into computers to discover the hard facts and concrete proof needed to convict your culprit!

"Timeshift Detective" is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag, and is currently still under development, but you can wishlist it already and follow the development process on Discord or Instagram - we'd love to see you there!
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
