The Revolt Fire Rising

Play The Revolt Fire Rising
You are a newly enthroned sultan in the 2500s, but everything will not be so easy. A big revolt, a big army, and generals that you have trust problems all around... The future of the state depends on the decisions you make.

Main Features:Basic Values:There are 4 different aspects that you need to keep in balance: economy, military situation, public support and prestige. If the balance of these values ​​is disturbed, unpleasant things can happen.Council:It is the heart of the state where you talk to the authorized channels of the state and make decisions. The decisions you make here affect the core values ​​above. For example, declaring mobilization may increase the number of soldiers, while significantly reducing public support.Front Lines:Strategic fronts where you place your army. The armies you place according to the front affect the course of the war4 Different End:There are 4 different endings you can reach as a result of your decisions. Will you be able to keep the country afloat, or will you be unable to stand? The choice is yours...
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  • Windows
