That Tiny Spaceship

Taking a Cue From Coin-Op – Utilizing tried and true mechanics that helped define the shmup genre, That Tiny Spaceship’s gameplay returns to the days where forward was the only way to go and getting a power-up opened up new tactical options. Warp from one side of the playfield to the other, just like in the arcade titles of yesterday.
A Few Seconds Can Feel Like A Lifetime – Each mission in That Tiny Spaceship might only be a couple of minutes long but when a flaming asteroid or enemy fighter comes barreling towards you with little notice, reaction time can make the difference between placing a high score and being another piece of space debris.
5 Levels – Travel from the narrow spaces of an asteroid field to a battle for survival within orbit of a blazing sun in That Tiny Spaceship’s 5 campaign missions. Each mission features a unique locale, unique gameplay mechanics and challenges that build upon the foundations established in prior missions.
10+ Achievements – Mastering each of the 5 levels is just the beginning for those looking to obtain all of the achievements in That Tiny Spaceship. Just like console games from the 16-bit era, there’s going to be a number of hidden Easter Eggs and challenges if you want to 100% That Tiny Spaceship.
Physics of Fun – Every moving object, hazard, ship and projectile utilizes a built-in physics simulation. While this does not provide the “pixel perfect” accuracy that earlier shoot’em ups made their name on, it provides a unique sense of movement and flow not found in similar games.
Full Controller Support – Now fully supports the Xbox One gamepad from the first menu right through to your last pulverizing explosive death when an asteroid careened into That Tiny Spaceship.
Chose Where You Play – At launch That Tiny Spaceship will be available on Microsoft Windows, macOS and Linux. More information on the macOS and Linux ports will be released at a later date.
Dynamic Backgrounds – That Tiny Spaceship generates the stunning and vibrant particle based backgrounds as the game is played. Enjoy the majesty of virtual space with ever changing colorful swirls and stars.
Brand New Tutorial System – Key mechanics, gameplay tips and strategies will be available through both standard static tutorial screens and interactive lessons.
Available on devices:
- Windows