
Play TapBattleRedPanda
    full version (SP mode)
    A vicious monster that will show no mercy to anyone who defends its territory. red panda (Ailurus fulgens)
    Weak of claws and fangs, the animal's best weapon was its devilishly cute menace!
    The turf war that sprinkles such evil is about to begin again!
    There is a battle here that we cannot lose, or is there?

    Rock, paper, scissors game with winners and losers determined by their actions
    Losing at rock-paper-scissors (luck) is not the end of the world!
    At the end of the day, it is pure power that decides who wins!
    Tap, swipe, and flick techniques lead to victory!
    The glory of victory is in your hands through luck and ability!
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • IOS


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