Super Rug Brothers

Play Super Rug Brothers
Enhanced UI and improved user experience
Minor bug fixes and performance enhancements
SRB or The Super Rug Brothers is a game known as "Rug Pulling Game", where players compete to maximize their "rugging" efforts by selling their coins. Simplified, it can be likened to a multiplayer version of this Japanese company who made a game about an Italian guy and a princess.

However, the value of these coins holds greater significance than their quantity. As more players collect coins, the value increases, but when someone initiates a "Rug" (or sells), the coin value declines.

Winners are determined by the value of the coins sold and NOT the number of collected coins. This game bears resemblance to trading, with the price of stocks/tokens rising when everyone buys and falling when people sell, as everyone seeks to buy low and sell high.
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Available on devices:
  • IOS
