Story of Mine Company

Hire minersYou can hire miner for 1 day, or if you have enough lodging space, you can buy his debts.
Hired miners will work for you for 1 day and then leave. Also, they only get paid at the end of the day unless they have a fatal accident.
Miners-debtors will work for you forever, so you only have to pay for provisions. You will also receive 2 additional inventory cells since, after work, they return to the base with you.Try to control the chaos of the workflowIn the process of extracting resources, various ridiculous situations arise since the behavior of the miners is unpredictable and sometimes stupid. They can start smoking next to nitrate blocks or start digging a block that has other miners on it. At the same time, blocks under which there is no support or other blocks can collapse with some chance, breaking all buildings under them. The player will have to respond in time to a constantly changing situation.Trade in the marketPrices in the game are volatile. Store resources in storage and sell them at profitable prices.Improve your buildingsLodging - increases the max number of miners-debtors.
Storage - allows you to store items until better days.
Cargo - allows you to carry more items with you.
Workshop - allows you to craft items.ControlPlayer mode - Action1 set target. Action2 pick up item.
Building mode - Action1 buid. Action2 destroy. Action3 quick destroy (middle mouse by default).
Hired miners will work for you for 1 day and then leave. Also, they only get paid at the end of the day unless they have a fatal accident.
Miners-debtors will work for you forever, so you only have to pay for provisions. You will also receive 2 additional inventory cells since, after work, they return to the base with you.Try to control the chaos of the workflowIn the process of extracting resources, various ridiculous situations arise since the behavior of the miners is unpredictable and sometimes stupid. They can start smoking next to nitrate blocks or start digging a block that has other miners on it. At the same time, blocks under which there is no support or other blocks can collapse with some chance, breaking all buildings under them. The player will have to respond in time to a constantly changing situation.Trade in the marketPrices in the game are volatile. Store resources in storage and sell them at profitable prices.Improve your buildingsLodging - increases the max number of miners-debtors.
Storage - allows you to store items until better days.
Cargo - allows you to carry more items with you.
Workshop - allows you to craft items.ControlPlayer mode - Action1 set target. Action2 pick up item.
Building mode - Action1 buid. Action2 destroy. Action3 quick destroy (middle mouse by default).
Available on devices:
- Windows