Star Salvager

Play Star Salvager
STAR SALVAGER is a retro, roguelike arcade-puzzler, FEATURING:

Original combo-making mechanic - basically TETRIS meets BREAKDANCING

Old-school shm'up combat. Wicked excellent.

Procedurally generated maps. Each run is CRAZY different. (Okay not that different)

A roguelite metagame to keep you grinding for infinitesimal morsels of progress 'til you can’t remember what day it is.

Mildly entertaining dialogue by 2d characters who don’t move their lips.

A groovy synth soundtrack that’s worth the price of the game right there

WARNING: Known side-effects include uncontrollable fist-pumping, ‘tetris-y’ vibes, disco dancing, sudden bursts of unseemly profanity, and, in one worrysome case, drooling like a rabid gibbon. Our team is working hard to resolve these issues.

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Available on devices:
  • Windows
