Squirrel University Simulator

Play Squirrel University Simulator
Squirrel University Simulator is a 3D rpg game, played from a third-person perspective.
You can refer to the to-do list to accomplish tasks, and the final task is to get a diploma.
Any resemblance to scenes is purely coincidental. Most of the buildings are just decorations.

wasd: Movement
e: Interactive
q: End Interaction
f: Open Backpack
z: to-do List
esc: Menu

Shop system and upgrade system:
You can get money by accomplish tasks, which can be used to buy goods or upgrade your weapons, and you can also sell items in your hand.

You can ride a bicycle on campus, but please park in the parking space, otherwise you will be towed away.

某些配樂是Khaim Music的Music from khaimmusic
其他配樂的作曲者Flehmann, Hamota, Ryo Lion, KK, Next Arco Recordings

使用的圖片 from flaticon
Bell icons created by Freepik
Education icons created by Freepik
Monkey icons created by Freepik
Print icons created by Freepik
Shark icons created by Freepik
Truck icons created by Freepik
Squirrel icons created by iconixar

使用的模型 from sketchfab
Chevrolet Jumbo Truck made by Medhatelo,有改過模型的顏色
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Windows
