Space Entity

Play Space Entity
Space Entity is a 1-4 player online co-op survival horror game. A entity is within the space ship. Get the power back on and use the escape pods to live on.

1-4 Player Online Co-op
Work together to survive

Single Player Mode
For those that are stubborn and refuse help. Will your pride stop you?

Escalating Difficulty
Once a certain amount of power is on, AI minions spawn start activating. The main AI will get faster and will take more damage to stun. You can't kill the main AI, only the minions. use your wit, find a strategy that works for you

Power spawns in random places. AI spawn in random places

Player Progression
Every playthrough counts as players earn experience and work towards levelling up. Take on the competition like a boss with new guns/modifications that can be unlocked using those hard-earned perk points. These enhancements could be the difference between life and death!
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Windows
