Space Crab VS

Play Space Crab VS
Space Crab VS brings the time tested, heart pumping Space Crab gameplay into the multiplayer battle-zone! As the the long awaited sequel to Space Crab 2, Space Crab VS offers wonderful all-new features, including an exciting story mode - a series first!

Use your Space Crab skills to take your opponent down! Collect meteor dust to make your own meteors, or charge up for a powerful special attack!
Pick from 20+ different unlock-able crabs to fight with! Each one has their own movement patterns and special attacks. From the shadow sneaking Ninja Crab to the time manipulating Chrono Crab, you'll find a crab worthy of your partnership!
Experience the story of Space Crab putting together the Star Seekers, a group of crabs who explore the galaxy and it's many secrets. Meet strange friends as you fight towards your goals!
Battle it out with your real life rivals in local multiplayer fights!
Take a break from the excitement and chill out with classic Space Crab game-play, with all new VS style move-sets to keep things fresh.
Unlock-able single player and multi-player secrets to uncover!
Discover your Starlight Rival, in Space Crab VS!
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
