IT IS THE YEAR FIFTY THOUSAND AND YOU ARE A SNAKE FARMER WITH TEN DAYS TO LIVE. BUY SNAKES, WATCH THEM BURST FROM THE GROUND, AND FIGHT THEM TO THE DEATH WITH GARDENING TOOLS. SELL THEIR OIL AND TEETH FOR RARER SNAKES AND BETTER WEAPONS. OIL IS LIFE; LIFE IS MONEY; MONEY IS DEATH. YOUR ONLY LEGACY WILL BE A HIGH SCORE.OIL IS LIFESNAKE FARM is a top-down, Vampire Survivors-style action roguelike that lets you set your own challenges. Buy snakes to fight, then use their remains to buy stronger snakes and better weapons. You decide your enemies, pushing your luck every round in pursuit of exponential growth. You only have ten days to live; make sure every one counts.LIFE IS MONEYWith forty upgradable pieces of equipment across four themed game modes, from deadly throwing trowels to tractors that hate you, each run's build can go a different direction. Will you rely on high-risk headshots with a pitchfork? Igniting your own oil supply to explode snakes? Freezing your enemies with a high-power hose? As your farm fills with snakes, only smart build-crafting can keep you alive.MONEY IS DEATHEventually you'll make a mistake. You'll get too greedy, buy too many snakes, get cornered and destroyed. With each new run, you learn a little more, get a little further, get a better score. The more you go, the more you realize that your truest enemy is your own hubris.
IT IS THE YEAR FIFTY THOUSAND AND YOU ARE A SNAKE FARMER WITH TEN DAYS TO LIVE. BUY SNAKES, WATCH THEM BURST FROM THE GROUND, AND FIGHT THEM TO THE DEATH WITH GARDENING TOOLS. SELL THEIR OIL AND TEETH FOR RARER SNAKES AND BETTER WEAPONS. OIL IS LIFE; LIFE IS MONEY; MONEY IS DEATH. YOUR ONLY LEGACY WILL BE A HIGH SCORE.OIL IS LIFESNAKE FARM is a top-down, Vampire Survivors-style action roguelike that lets you set your own challenges. Buy snakes to fight, then use their remains to buy stronger snakes and better weapons. You decide your enemies, pushing your luck every round in pursuit of exponential growth. You only have ten days to live; make sure every one counts.LIFE IS MONEYWith forty upgradable pieces of equipment across four themed game modes, from deadly throwing trowels to tractors that hate you, each run's build can go a different direction. Will you rely on high-risk headshots with a pitchfork? Igniting your own oil supply to explode snakes? Freezing your enemies with a high-power hose? As your farm fills with snakes, only smart build-crafting can keep you alive.MONEY IS DEATHEventually you'll make a mistake. You'll get too greedy, buy too many snakes, get cornered and destroyed. With each new run, you learn a little more, get a little further, get a better score. The more you go, the more you realize that your truest enemy is your own hubris.
Available on devices:
- Windows