
Take control of Seth, the god of storms. Fight Apophis, the embodiment of primordial chaos in a game where Rogue-Lite meets Fast-FPS. Battle waves of brutal enemies and ruthless bosses. Choose your powers, seize your destiny, die, start again: each death makes you stronger.DIVE INTO A DIVINE CONFLICTPlay as Seth, the Egyptian god of storm, chaos and discord. Dive in a quest for revenge into a Science-Fantasy universe, in the heart of an alternative Egypt which has fallen under Apophis' domination. Discover the world of the dead, fight through the world of mortals, and storm Mandjet, the solar barge Ra.DESTROY YOUR ENEMIESThe armies of Apophis threaten the established order. Choose your weapon, use a wide range of powers and challenge the end of the world. Stand up against other gods in skill-demanding confrontations and break waves of merciless enemies.EXPERIENCE A NARRATIVE ADVENTUREImmerse yourself in a science-fantasy world, shedding a new light at Ancient Egypt's myths. Through a system of quests and dialogue choices, uncover the mysteries surrounding your death and the rise of Apophis. Re-establish yourself as the mighty god you once were.
Available on devices:
- Windows