Scream Granny Ice II : Horror Story MOD

Play Scream Granny Ice II : Horror Story MOD
    Scream Granny Ice II : Horror Story MOD

    Welcome to the house of terror, where the scariest event happens and occurs to scare you but still for you to have a lot of

    fun playing with th granny house.

    You are trapped in granny house and you have to escape in 5 days.

    This horror story will have many versions like zombie granny, neighbor granny or even super granny.

    Thank you for downloading our game, we hope you enjoy scary adventures and make sure to leave a review for Scream Granny

    Ice II : Horror Story MOD.

    You have weapons and scary tools around the house, look for them but make sure to survive.
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • Android
    • Smart TV
