Rolling for Romance

Play Rolling for Romance

Rolling for Romance immerses you in a Slice-of-Life dating simulation set within the enchanting realm of Dungeons and Dragons. Embark on your first year of college, forging connections, deepening friendships, and perhaps kindling a flame (that is hopefully not deadly) of love with one of the captivating characters in the game.

You'll encounter Sasha, a charismatic and popular figure, Asher, the group's dramatic "bad boy," Bell, the shy nerd, and the DM, Jamie, who plays a supportive role in your journey.

So, are you ready to embark on a quest filled with romance, friendship, and the thrill of Dungeons and Dragons in Rolling for Romance?

♡Customizable pronouns
♡8 endings
♡Dice rolling for ~brave~ choices
♡Four love interests: Jamie, Sasha, Asher, & Bell
♡& a non-romanceable Grung (We love you, n'Ub!)

Kaye Norra (Try_Froggery) - Project Manager & Writer
CorvidSong - Copyeditor
uhohbigyike - Background Artist & Concept Artist
Abby Jocson (craboozled) - Sprite Artist, UI Artist, and Concept Artist
Tsukinoslayer - CG Artist
Valencia's Creative Endeavors - Programmer
FeniksDev - Assistant Programmer
Gazania - Music Composer
Tohera - Music Composer

Donavin Smith (Just_Fulcan / FulcanWrites)
Basil (ItsFergus)
The Con Frogman discord server, for its continuous support and love
Play Tutorial
Available on devices:
  • Windows
