
Play Renaine

Hey boyo, Mr. Octopus here and you’re in for a wild ride. This game’s Renaine, and I’m your favorite shopkeeper here to walk you through the setup!

This here’s Aine, she’s an orange knight with a feather to pick with a Dragon who did her dirty. That’s no good, but what can ya do? Lucky for her, boyo, she can take a spin at this whole “life” as many times as she needs to cause’ she’s the Phoenix Knight! pretty neat huh? Especially cause she’ll need it, boyo! She’s gotta go through the entire kingdom of Lineria, from the mechanized forest of Shellwood to the steep climb of Eastwest Mountain, she’s gotta hop bop n’ roll through it all!

But yanno, life’s not all about violence, boyo, this whole kingdom’s full of oddballs, weirdos, serious individuals with deep backstories, and octopi looking for some help! Do the whole ‘hero’ thing enough times and they’ll give you emblems to mess around with that’ll let you change up the game! That’s in addition to secret feathers, bestiary entries, permanent upgrades, and all that good stuff that makes a game worth playing, boyo, this is the full deal!

That’s all I gotta say, boyo, find me in the game at my Very Special Item Shop (TM) and you’ll see for yourself!

Renaine is a game about overcoming failure. Aine, the Phoenix Knight, is tasked by fate to destroy the legendary Dragon. Should she die, she will return. Again and again until the Dragon is slain.

Hop, Bop and Roll through Lineria, the world of Renaine! Chat up a cast of colorful characters! Solve problems! Fail! A lot! Overcome failure! Fail again! Lots of fun in Renaine!

An adventure through an intriguing world steeped in history and whimsy
Colorful characters and puzzling quests that explore Renaine’s rich lore
Smooth and responsive gameplay, perfect for speedrunning or just feelin good!
Dozens of emblems and permanent upgrades to acquire and master
Buttery smooth animation running at 60fps
Vibrant, unique, art by Atsuzaki, THC Gourami and SinclairStrange
An unforgettable, hi-fidelity soundtrack by Mason Lieberman with guests like Kevin Penkin (Made in Abyss), Substantial (Nujabes) and Casey Lee Williams (RWBY)

Howdy, Squidly here and I’ve been at this project for like 2 years now for some reason. Seriously, who’s idea was that? But yanno, me and my core team of way-too-good-for-me devs have kept at this for so many years cause we deeply believe in it. We believe this game deserves to exist, its story deserves to be told, its world deserves to be explored, and we have worked tirelessly in service of that. From day one what we’ve wanted was to make something you come back to a decade from now and think about. We hope that you get to know Aine and her world, and we hope through figuring this game out, you’ll feel that you yourself are a part of this too. For as long as I’ve lived I’ve dreamed of making a world that people would want to explore filled with characters that they’d get to know and feel for. Through its loooong development, however, I’ve discovered a game is greater than its parts. Lemme tell you - it took us two Kickstarters to make this happen. We got our butt kicked hard repeatedly. But what brought us back up every time was the community, our humble Discord, our backers, our fan artists and speedrunners. This game is not just about Aine’s journey, it’s not just about yours either, what this game is about is the journey we all take together. That special connection people have when they join together to do the impossible, to slay that dragon, that’s what this game’s about. It took a gajillion hours of effort from way more people than just the core dev team to make this happen, and hopefully it shows. I hope Renaine is gonna be that kind of game that lasts, a true modern classic, and we’d be honored if you’d join us to its finish!
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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