Quick Words

Quick Words is a chilled-out word game with smooth lofi music and smoother gameplay. Every round you'll be guessing five different 5-letter words.
Words are solved by deducing what letters are in the word.
If a letter is:
Red - That letter is not in the word.
Yellow - That letter is in the word, but in a different spot.
Green - Perfect! That letter is in the correct spot. The same goes for blue.
Stuck on one word? Solve a different board to gain a Hint!
The more you play, the faster you'll get and the higher scores you'll earn. Challenge your friends to play the same board as you and compete for the highest score. Or just relax and and guess some words at your own pace.
Quick Words is a classy combo of relaxation and rich word puzzles. All games are generated procedurally, and you'll never get the same board twice! (Unless you want to).
Words are solved by deducing what letters are in the word.
If a letter is:
Red - That letter is not in the word.
Yellow - That letter is in the word, but in a different spot.
Green - Perfect! That letter is in the correct spot. The same goes for blue.
Stuck on one word? Solve a different board to gain a Hint!
The more you play, the faster you'll get and the higher scores you'll earn. Challenge your friends to play the same board as you and compete for the highest score. Or just relax and and guess some words at your own pace.
Quick Words is a classy combo of relaxation and rich word puzzles. All games are generated procedurally, and you'll never get the same board twice! (Unless you want to).
Available on devices:
- Windows