
Play Pushpa
"Pushpa: The Game" is an immersive endless runner experience inspired by the blockbuster film "Pushpa." With a captivating storyline, it introduces a unique level system. Players unlock stages by gaining PP (PowerPoints) that increase their level. Collect PP for breakthroughs and access exciting new stages.

Delve into Pushpa's world with a bustling in-game market where you can trade resources like wood and food, critical for your journey. As you progress, unlock special endless stages filled with challenges and secrets, boosting replayability.

Immerse yourself in the game's rich audio-visual experience, featuring impressive sound design and thematic elements that transport you directly into the heart of the Pushpa universe. Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey, battling obstacles and adversaries as Pushpa himself. Are you up for the challenge?
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Available on devices:
  • Android
  • Smart TV


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