Pure Freecell
Pure Freecell is ad-free forever.
Pure Freecell has the essential freecell features and nothing else.
o score and previous low score counters
o game select, next game and previous game
o original freecell game numbers
o from 1 to 999,999 games, because 1 million would be too much.
o undo (counts towards score)
o auto move to foundation. Auto moves are limited to the next 2 cards in sequence after the lowest card already in the foundation.
Play by tapping a card to select it and then tapping the destination location to move the card.
Pure Freecell limits the size of column based stack moves. The maximum theoretical stack move is (2^numberOfColumns)*(numberOfFreecells+1) but Pure Freecell limits the numberOfColumns to 1 (if there is a free column) and counts additional free columns as free cells. You must use your game skill to perform large stack moves involving multiple free columns. Stack moves are scored as 1 move.
Pure Freecell has the essential freecell features and nothing else.
o score and previous low score counters
o game select, next game and previous game
o original freecell game numbers
o from 1 to 999,999 games, because 1 million would be too much.
o undo (counts towards score)
o auto move to foundation. Auto moves are limited to the next 2 cards in sequence after the lowest card already in the foundation.
Play by tapping a card to select it and then tapping the destination location to move the card.
Pure Freecell limits the size of column based stack moves. The maximum theoretical stack move is (2^numberOfColumns)*(numberOfFreecells+1) but Pure Freecell limits the numberOfColumns to 1 (if there is a free column) and counts additional free columns as free cells. You must use your game skill to perform large stack moves involving multiple free columns. Stack moves are scored as 1 move.
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