Project Stratarch

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Project Stratarch is a movement FPS designed around wall jumps, rewarding good movement on top of good aim. There are two game modes, both completely kill-based: Solo Deathmatch (Free-For-All) and Team Deathmatch. Compete against other players and become the best you can be!


Q: How many people are working on this?
A: Just one; this project was purely developed as a passion project. As such, bug fixes and patches may be slow, so please be patient.

Q: Will this game have any cosmetics or skins down the line?
A: There will not, for various reasons, but the most important being that there will be NO monetary factors attached to the game. The game will remain free-to-play and microtransaction-free forever.

Q: Are there plans for controller/console support?
A: Definitely a no for console; may add controller support down the line but if so there will be either no aim assist or a small amount. I'm not looking to get into the whole AA issue.

Q: Will you add more movement mechanics to the game?
A: Possibly down the road, will have to wait and see. Currently I lack the technical skill on the animation side to do much more, so for now I think I'm gonna leave it as-is and see what people can do.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
