Princess Polly

Play Princess Polly
Ahoy, ye daring buccaneers and landlubbers alike! Ready yer sea legs for the legendary saga of "Princess Polly," a thrilling escapade bound to shiver yer timbers! Ye'll join the ranks of a breakdancing ninja, skulking through the shadows of a haunted pirate ship to reclaim the esteemed Princess Polly and her royal kin from the clutches of Captain Pegleg and his peculiar crew—part undead, part lively dancing pirates.

But beware, me hearties! Venture forth into this eerie vessel teeming with chattering parrots, a fearsome Panther, and Pegleg's menagerie of peculiar creatures:

Deck 1: Cargo Holds: Shadowy recesses hiding secrets of yore and mysteries unknown.

Deck 2: Bunkhouse: Revelry reigns in the quarters where pirates revel and plot.

Deck 3: Artillery: Beware the newfangled laser security system guarding treasures untold.

Deck 4: Ballistics: A majestic battle awaits with a mighty Panther and sights of creatures rare.

Deck 5: Main Deck: Princess Polly awaits in her cage amidst the heart of the ship's turmoil.

Deck 6: Captain's Quarters: The lair of Pegleg, harboring danger at every turn.

Deck 7: Pegleg's Perch: Prepare for the ultimate duel with Pegleg himself, a fight to the death!

But 'tis more than a mere rescue! High-maintenance Princess Polly seeks chests brimming with gold to capture her heart. Plunder the treasure, duel with pirates, and ascend the gold leaderboard to claim victory!

Pirate Pegleg, with a taunt upon his lips, challenges ye to try and wrest Princess Polly from his clutches! Can ye navigate the haunted decks, showcase breakdancing ninja prowess, and win Polly's heart? Face peril and outsmart danger in this riveting adventure or find yerself at the mercy of the briny deep! Haha!


Move: A, W, S, D or Arrow Keys

Sprint: Shift

Combat: Left/Right Mouse Clicks for sword combos

Roll: Q

Interact: E (with chests and doors)

Walk/Run: 1/2

Pause: P

Mute Audio: M

Quit: Escape key

Remember, should ye lose Stealth, stand motionless for 3 heartbeats to melt back into the shadows. But beware the undead, parrots, and the Panther—eyes sharper than a cutlass! Embark on this perilous voyage, defy Pegleg, and seize victory in the race for Princess Polly's heart! Haha! And don't forget, ye've got nine lives and health packs stashed about each deck to aid yer perilous journey. Aye, onwards, brave souls, for adventure awaits!
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
