Please Leave a Message

Play Please Leave a Message
Please Leave a Message is a 2D puzzle game where the player finds themselves in the role of delirious man named Schitz Mann, as he crawls through an underground, labyrinthine facility. The challenges and puzzles that lay ahead are mysteriously arranged to go against his every will. But why? Why is it like this? And why are all these glyphs everywhere? There's definitely another layer or two here to figure out...

The world is constructed as a massive, industrial maze, with multiple interconnected sections, shortcuts, with many offshoots and secrets scattered between. The puzzles are solved with the use of Schitz's phone, which can manipulate the machinery and technology around him. Every area introduces new concepts and ideas, and builds off of the player's previous knowledge. There's also something else here, but I just can't remember what it is- maybe it's those glyphs or something...
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
