Panzer Arena: Prologue

Panzer Arena: Prologue is an experimental tank PvP game. Boost, drift and flip your way through any kind of terrain in order to destroy your opponents. Use several types of abilities and weapons and compete in multiple game modes.MovementYou control a nimble little tanks that can jump, dash and do all kinds of flips. No terrain is too difficult to conquer and no opponent can escape if you master the movement in Panzer Arena.CombatCurrently you have the choice of 4 weapons and a few abilities. You can dash, use a dome, stealth or use an impulse dart that can propel you to even bigger heights. Tanks have the thickest armor up front so you can't just spam your shots, you need to calculate every move and wait for the right moment to strike in the rear of your opponent.StyleSwitch up your style based on the situation. Is your opponent aggressive? Use a shotgun. Is your opponent shy? Use the charge rifle! Or perhaps it's best to just freestyle and be creative. The invisible skybox is your limit!Game ModesCurrently you can play Free for All, Team Deathmatch and Duels. The first two are self-explanatory but the Duels mode needs some explanation. Imagine you've invited your friends over to play video-games but there's only 2 controllers. What do you? Well you play winner stays on. Two players go head to head while the other watch (or taunt) and wait their turn. Winner stays on, loser gets put in the back of the queue.ExperimentalPlease note that this project is highly experimental. I'm developing this on my own so don't expect a ton of updates or content drops. Your feedback is very much appreciated!
Available on devices:
- Windows