Pacific Coffee AR

-The new content is related to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Pacific Coffee;
- All image, layouts and content have been updated to relate the 25th anniversary of Pacific Coffee;
- Updated the animation with AR feature in the "AR Page";
- Add the front camera button with AR feature;
- Update the sample target image in "Instruction Page" for the user to download and preview the AR feature;
- Update the content in "Promotion Page";
- Update the App icon.
We’re 25! Pacific Coffee AR is a mobile app that allows customers to view animated contents hidden in our 25th anniversary paper cup in Augmented Reality (AR). Click the “AR” icon on menu page and see the fascinating Hong Kong-themed drawing on the paper cup come to life in a real world setting using the camera on your smart device.- All image, layouts and content have been updated to relate the 25th anniversary of Pacific Coffee;
- Updated the animation with AR feature in the "AR Page";
- Add the front camera button with AR feature;
- Update the sample target image in "Instruction Page" for the user to download and preview the AR feature;
- Update the content in "Promotion Page";
- Update the App icon.
- Reveal the hidden animated content of the 25th anniversary paper cup
- Get a test image to preview the AR animation
- Browse exclusive gourmet offerings and products
- Enjoy exclusive privileges
- Search nearby stores
Download and install “Pacific Coffee AR” now to receive updates on Pacific Coffee 25th Anniversary celebrations!
Learn more about Hong Kong Pacific Coffee 25th anniversary exclusive food and beverages, products and offers:
For more details or product information, please visit our websites:
HK :
China :
Pacific Coffee 25歲啦! Pacific Coffee AR 應用程式內的擴增實境 (AR)功能,配合Pacific Coffee 25週年彩繪紙杯,有聲又有畫!
用戶只需下載並安裝Pacific Coffee AR,於主頁面點擊「AR」,並把鏡頭對焦在Pacific Coffee 25週年彩繪紙杯上,即可看到紙杯上各款香港特色的插畫生動闡現在動畫中,配合聲效更添氣氛!
- 發掘25週年紙杯上的隱藏動畫
- 下載示範圖片,預覽AR 動畫
- 瀏覽25週年推廣食品、飲品及小商品資料
- 專享獨家優惠
- 搜尋就近分店
了解更多香港Pacific Coffee 25週年推廣食品、飲品、小商品及優惠
如欲瞭解更多關於Pacific Coffee的資料或產品詳情,請瀏覽官方網頁:
香港 :
內地 :
Available on devices:
- Android
- Smart TV