Mystic Faith
In the enchanting realm of Eloria, players embark on an unforgettable video game adventure guided by a courageous young girl with a noble purpose. The land of Eloria, once a realm brimming with life, now suffers from the encroaching darkness that threatens to engulf it. Our protagonist, a young girl, selected by the King of all, must traverse the mystical landscapes, encountering daunting challenges and formidable foes, to restore the nine fading flames of the King - the elemental pillars that sustain the balance of Eloria. Armed with only her faith in the King, she sets forth on a mission to rekindle hope and breathe life back into the ailing land. Players will not only uncover the secrets of Eloria's ancient past but also discover the true power of restoration that lies within them. Together, they will witness the breathtaking transformation of a once desolate realm into a resplendent tapestry of beauty, leaving an indelible mark on the very Spirit of Eloria.
Available on devices:
- Android
- Smart TV