Mother May I

Play Mother May I
Embark on a dystopian journey in "Mother May I", a visual novel that unravels the story of three siblings determined to break free from the iron grip of an Orwellian AI known as "Mother." In this world, individuals are held under maternal control until reaching the age of 20, where a biochip is surgically implanted, granting access to a virtual realm. However, this comes at a cost, as Mother seizes control. Manipulating their nerve endings and utilizing their bodies for her own means while the host is trapped in a virtual prison. Navigate rebellion, unveil dark secrets, and fight for freedom.

Will you defy Mother's control and reclaim your destiny, or succumb to her virtual prison? Your choices define the fate of mankind. FEATURES 6 Different Endings
Dynamic Skill System which unlocks unique dialogue paths
5 Thrilling Chapters with their own unique cast of side characters
Rich lore, hand drawn art style, OST and sound FX to push immersion to a new level.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
